Ombudsman at Deutsche Beteiligungs AG

In keeping with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Codex, Deutsche Beteiligungs AG has put in place a ‘whistleblowing’ system and appointed an external attorney to serve as its ombudsman. The ombudsman is the contact for employees at Deutsche Beteiligungs AG and any other individuals who wish to provide confidential information should they suspect unlawful activity or other serious irregularities or legal infringements relating to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG or one of its affiliated companies. After being verified by the ombudsman, the information will be forwarded to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG. This ensures that the identity of individuals providing information remains confidential and is not disclosed to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG or third parties.


Anyone wishing to provide information can contact the ombudsman by telephone, fax, e-mail or letter. He is also available for confidential, in-person meetings.

Dr. Rainer Buchert

Bleidenstraße 1
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 71033330
Telefon: +49 6105 921355
Telefax: +49 69 71034444