Services for cloud-first, digital product development and digital transformation.
Formel D
New Sales Structure Generates Cross Selling And Customer Growth.
Strong Growth Generated By New Customer Segment.
Market Leadership Through Successful Buy-And-Build.
Profitability Significantly Improved Through Operational Synergies.
From A Component Manufacturer To A Supplier Of Complete System Solutions.
We do not use cookies from advertising providers that create user profiles. We only want to track how users use our site in order to further improve it. For this purpose, we use the web analysis service Matomo, which is operated by our service provider RYZE Digital GmbH and collects anonymised data about you on our behalf. The data is not passed on to third parties. The data is only stored for as long as necessary (maximum 36 months). In detail, we collect data on your IP address (anonymised - only two bytes are recorded), on web pages accessed and the time you spend on them, frequency of access, search queries and downloads, and on other interactions on the website, and finally information on your browser and operating system.
We ask for your consent to use this privacy-friendly web analytics service.
Imprint Privacy